Jesus came to change Sinners to Saints and this has nothing to do with religious teachings or practices but it comes from the Power of His nature of righteousness. The Adamic nature is the nature of sin that has turned all of human race to Sinners before the eyes of God. This is so because the whole of human race comes from Adam. So also when one is born of the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus, the righteousness of Jesus is able to change a person to a Saint and this has nothing do with religious practices, but only God's grace.
This is why the human race has to embrace Christ Jesus in order to be transformed into Saints; In Christ we are all sinners despite all the good deeds we are trying to do.
For no one can bribe God with good works as the Bible explains it. This is why no man on this earth born of a woman can meet up with the standard of doing good in God's sight.
"Now then let the fear of the LORD be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the LORD our God will have no part in unrighteousness or partiality or the taking of a bribe." -2 Chronicles 19:7
"For the LORD your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe. -Deuteronomy 10:17
As for this reason, God has faced out all those jargon practices of good deeds of man outside of Christ and provided grace in His Son Jesus Christ. Mind you, good works are good and every Christian should practice it but good works doesn't guarantee salvation. Grace is an unmerited gift from God to Man. Grace enables Man to be reconciled with God and has a cordial relationship with Him. When a person accepts God's unmerited gift-'grace', it means the person has realized that the good deeds cannot do him/her good to reconcile him with God but only God's grace through faith can.
This is the grace of God that will advocate for you in day of judgement and declare you not guilty.
For those who reject the grace of God and believe that good deeds will guarantee them heaven, well as for this, they will be judged according to their deeds which comes from the thought of their minds, words of their mouths and their actions. This is to be done to justify whether they meet up with the standard of perfection.
In my own view, I don't think anyone faced with this kind of judgement will escape because they chose to ignore God, so they will be cast angrily into hell fire; this is because they rejected His grace and turned to work out their own salvation with good deeds.
Come to Christ, accept His grace and faith through His Son Jesus Christ, who has died for your sins and has made you righteous in Him, therefore, making you a saint in Him. Jesus loves you so much, accept Him now and be Saved!
Image Credit: scripture-for-today.blogspot.com