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God Is Always Faithful

Happiness Boms

A lot of times we fail to recognize the faithfulness of God in our lives, however, whether or not we like it or admit it, God is a faithful God, He has been faithful and He will always be faithful.

You may be wondering why I am so certain of this, let's take a look at what the Bible says:

“if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” - Timothy 2:13

What this simply means is that faithfulness is not just 'a part' of God but simply who He is.

When a person is faithful, that means he or she is committed to a thing or someone.

The same applies to being loyal to your partner despite the ups and down.

In 2 Timothy 2:13 we are being reminded that being faithful, is who God is. This clearly means that in those times when we sin, those times when we are unlovable, those times when fall short of His glory, those times when we forget how much He loves us, those times when we forget how good He is, those times when we question His love for us, those days when we let the issues of life make us loose sight of who God is, those days when we feel like giving up GOD WILL ALWAYS BE FAITHFUL .

Have you ever wondered why he loved us while we were yet sinners?

Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”

I feel like God went that extreme to show that much love to us because He is faithful and cannot deny Himself. That is His person and He cannot act contrary to who He is, even if He tries to be unfaithful, which I know He will never do. IT WON'T WORK!

In order for you to get a clearer picture of what I mean, I will site an example, kindly follow closely;

God bestows gifts,talents,skills, etc on us, so here is a person God has bestowed the grace of giving, and despite how bad he/she is being treated by some people, he/she never fails to or stops giving (sharing from experience) 'cause that is already a part of them and exactly who God has created them to be. This example is similar to me just waking up in the morning and say "I don’t want to be My Mother’s daughter anymore" so absurd right? It is absurd and funny because even if I run away from it for years or try to change my Mom, that wouldn’t change the fact that 'I am my mother’s daughter,' that’s who I am.

What am trying to say is, God can never be unfaithful because Faithfulness is who He is.

Now let's go back to the Bible, there are so many examples of the faithfulness of God in the Bible;

One of it was during the time of Noah;

When God destroyed the earth in the old testament and later on He made a promise that He wasn’t going to destroy the earth anymore.

The faithfulness of God here comes in as a reality that with the evil going on right now in our world today, if not for God's faithfulness, what would become of this world? God is still keeping to His Word which is “He will not destroy the world again”

Another is the story of Joseph the dreamer;

If you read closely the Chapters 37- 41 of Genesis, you will get to see that God gave Joseph His word and it was through dreams.

One of the dreams Joseph had was that of his brothers bowing down to him and that explains a lot on why he was hated and sold out by his brothers, accused by Potiphar’s wife and thrown into the prison.

Despite all Joseph had to go through or face, he remained faithful to God and not only was he faithful to God but God who is faithful in Himself, was faithful.

Now, I want you to trust God’s faithfulness. Has He said a word concerning you, concerning your family, concerning your academics or your marriage, concerning your work, concerning your spouse, concerning your future?

Why not trust His ability to fulfil those words to you regardless of whatever it is that you are facing or going through right now?

'His Word' and 'not mine' says the Prophet Isaiah "So, is my word that proceeds out of my mouth: it will not return to me empty but accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” that’s God talking not me.." -Isaiah 55:11‘

Always know that as far as God said or God has said it, then be rest assured that it will surely come through.

You ask WHY? Well, because His faithfulness lies in Him doing what He has said and also fulfilling what He has promised.

Trust God and just watch and see Him show you His faithfulness.

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