Mummy and daddy gave you principles and laws they thought could protect and save you from wicked relatives and village witches;
They told you not to mention your name to anyone of them
They told you not to allow anyone lay hands on your head
They told you not to eat from them even when you are starving They told you so many things.
They forgot to tell you that, witches don't look at your body or tamper with it, rather, they look at your spirit and tamper with it then it reflects on the body.
They don't need to ask for your name, they already know your name
A lot of parents safety precaution doesn't work with witches.
The best precaution they didn't tell you is soaking in the Holy Ghost and His baptism
They didn't tell you that the 'Jesus' you call upon, owns all the power that exists
They didn't tell you not to fear
They didn't tell you that the fight is not your fight but the fight of Jesus
They didn't tell you why you must align with God, be rooted in Him and walk with Him. They didn't tell you so many things about God.
I will tell you;
You are fighting not against flesh and blood(not against that man or woman), but against principalities and power (The agents of darkness that possesses and strengthens them to make them contend against all things that are created for Gods pleasure, in order to make it a displeasure) Devil's aim is not just to steal your glory, but he gives people power to steal your glory so that you may live miserably, not listen to God and fall apart from God. That's how he wins a soul over.
The summary of my talk is,
Jesus is the only Way and Truth. Don't just follow the Truth, know the Truth.
If you know this 'Jesus' well enough, you will know how powerful He is.
Whenever they try calling your name,
Even the 'Babalawo' will testify that you are a power-filled child.
Whenever they call your name in there gatherings, thunder will respond.
This is when they even work harder to get at you
You too must work even harder by constantly drawing energy from God.