I travel by ship a lot and I always look forward to meeting my seat-mate.
I got into one yesterday and as usual, I was looking forward to meeting my seat-mate but guess what? Sadly the passengers in the tourist class were few so I had no seat-mate.
Not only was I without one (a seatmate) but my seat was close to the window.
I was about panicking but had to tell myself "Girl, no matter how much you shout here, no one will listen to you or help you out. Therefore, quietly sit down"
That was how i sat down at my window seat.
You know what shocked me? I literally saw myself arranging my bags and stretching my legs to the next seat, I even used one of my bags as a substitute pillow and that was how I slept.
I was sleeping peacefully when a Staff woke me up saying "Ma'am, we are here"
Me: "Where?"
My eyes were heavy and I had no idea we had arrived not until I looked around and saw I was the only passenger left.
Now, I got a not so funny WORD I would like to share with you.
First, I am very scared of traveling by sea and that's the reason why I always look forward to meeting my seat-mate because he or she 'will be held' when the going gets rough, so, not having one was a greater fear.
The word says "A lot of times we hold unto people and to things so much that when they want to leave we fight so hard for them to stay back .Funny enough, we are very much aware that these people or things which includes bad attitudes are not good for us but because of how comfortable we are in and with them, we can't just let them go"
I came to realize that, everyone has a part in them that needs sincere workings; these parts in them could be a bad attitude(s) or personality but then because of the feeling we derive in them, we choose to remain in them. An example of this is 'PRIDE.' When someone is proud, it makes one feel they are on top of the world and sure knows everything, which is why people tend to be scared of them especially if they are in power because of these bad attitudes.
Basically, such an attitude is not good because the Bible says, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" but because of the sense of entitlement or respect people full of pride get, they feel it's better off to stick in there than to loose the entitlement they've attained, knowing fully well that being proud is bad yet, they find it hard to let go even when there's so much need.
Allow me divert but at the same time, please follow me closely.
I believe you know the story of Job and how what he feared the most was what happened to him (Job 3:25)
i'm scared of ships, no doubt about it, but due to the fears I had (Yes, 'had' because I am no longer a slave to fear) it seemed more like something bad was going to happen even when it wasn't necessary or called for.
There's a verse in the Bible, Romans 6:16
"Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living." (NLT)
This simply means that if you are always afraid even for nothing especially over things that aren't necessary, then you will become slaves to fear. Let them go and see how peaceful your life journey would be, also leave your comfort zones and face your fear.
I pray, none of us will be slaves to fear and if there's anyone reading this who is a slave to fear, I pray for divine liberty and total freedom from the spirit of fear. In Jesus name, AMEN!!
Image Credit: caribjournal.com