I was thinking of how greatly my Spiritual Father has been of a great help to me and it led me to these questions.
What if he had given up when things were hard?
What if he never stood up when he failed?
What if he disobeyed God?
What if he refused to adhere to his calling?
What if his potentials were not well maximized?
What if he failed to look beyond his limitations?
What if he allowed his background to put his back on the ground?
What if he had chosen to watch his potential die and untapped?
What if he had refused to learn?
What if he had refused to be a man under authority?
What do you think my life would be of today?
Do you know I wouldn’t be writing this at the moment because my life will be greatly affected in a bad way?
Okay, okay, let’s make it more understanding;
What if all social media platforms weren't created? With your answers to this questions, I hope it leads you to knowing that nations are inside of you, people are looking up to you, your family members are part of the people and also strangers who are looking up to you.
You are someone’s mentor and if you don’t work on your gifts or talents then be aware that a lot of people will be greatly affected.
Doctor Myles Monroe said in his book maximizing potential “Potential screams for release in the soul of every human being who enters this planet. Every individual is a living treasure chest. Each person arrives like a brand-new product from a manufacturer, equipped to perform and fulfill all the demands placed on him by the Creator."