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The Devil is Already Defeated

Pst. Alex Jatta

"Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;" -Hebrews 2:1).

This is one of the truths of the Word of God that must sink and be indelibly imprinted in your heart_ that the devil has already been defeated. This is one of your secrets to victorious living.

When Jesus died and went to hell, He rendered the devil powerless and took the authority that the devil had over the human race. The power with which he held man in sin, sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty and alienation from God was taken from him. So, when the Word of God says that the devil was destroyed, it wasn't saying that he was exterminated or annihilated. It is not saying that he does not exist; the "destroy" means to render powerless, ineffective, inactivate, and to render useless. So, he still exists, but he has been made powerless by the Lord Jesus. This has to be your daily consciousness. You meditate on this truth till you know that you know.

Satan was the one that had the power of death. Jesus defeated him and took the power of death and hell from him (Revelations 1:18). I know someone may ask, "So, why are people still dying, getting sick, living in sin, and bondage if Satan has no power?" What destroys people, especially Christians, is ignorance. That's what God said. "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge" He says (Hosea 4:6). And the lack of understanding (Isaiah 5:6). It is not the devil at all. The devil has no power; he only has and always uses tricks with which he entices and ensnares ignorant Christians.

Most Christians' prayers are geared towards God protecting and delivering them from Satan. That is THE problem. How many times to they want God to do that? They are ignorant of the truth that Satan has been defeated already. They consequently live in fear of what the devil can do to them rather than God's sovereign ability. That fear keeps them in bondage. You need to hear most Christians pray before they go to bed; they seriously beg God and plead with Him not to allow Satan touch them. Some even find it hard to sleep even after such prayers. Why? The fear of the devil.

As a Christian, you cannot fear the devil. You have the power and authority over him in Christ. You need to know this. The devil has no way into your life except you grant him access. How do you grant him access? You grant him access through fear of his ability. THE TRUTH IS THIS: WHEN YOU ARE AFRAID OF DEATH, SICKNESS, DISEASES, POVERTY, LACK AND FAILURE, THOSE THINGS THAT YOU FEAR WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN TO YOUR LIFE. THIS IS TRUE.

The next verse_ verse 15_ to our opening verse says "And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Have you seen that? The fear of death is what brought the bondage. You are always bound by what you fear. But know that the devil has been defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! God bless and keep you as you have this truth settled in you all the time.

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