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Built to Last | God Consciousness | God's Divine Process

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

The place of your divine process is the place of your building. And your divine process is not complete except you are built to last. “Built to last” is a subtopic under the series “God’s Divine Process.” There are seven divisions under this subtopic;

1) God Consciousness.

2) Strength of Conviction

3) Limited Options

4) Thirst for More

5) The Right Tag Team

6) Total Deconstruction

7) Radical Honesty In this sermon, Rev’d Temi talked about God Consciousness God consciousness means being aware of God 24/7. It is sad that man has gradually shifted his perspective from God things to man-made things even though man made things are invaded by things God has made. Do you know that our physical reality is invaded by spiritual reality so much that you can see the worship and praise of God in everything. A God conscious person operates with the knowledge that ALL THINGS are upheld by the Word of His Power. Every. Single. Thing.

How aware of God are you? What affects the decisions you make in life, your circumstances or the reality of God? Do you know that the quality of your life is affected by how much the reality of God has permeated your being? Beloved don’t limit yourself on your divine process, determine to be built to last! As you listen to this sermon make up your mind to become God conscious henceforth.


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