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  • Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Built to Last 2 | Strength of Conviction | God's Divine Process

Every human being is built by God to live on the strength of their conviction. And it is this strength that will determine how much of your destiny you will see in your reality. Convictions are so important that before the devil can successfully derail a man on God's divine process, he will first attack his convictions. If the man's convictions are not strong, he will be easy prey.

Reverend explained seven things from which men get their convictions; the law, civility, and science are three of the seven. What are the remaining four and which amongst them should you get yours from? There are steps towards convictions, what are they? Do not be that Christian who is easily tossed around by every wind, seek to get rock solid convictions! And you can start by listening to this message. As you do so may God baptize you with a strong sense of conviction.

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