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Running the Race

Chinaza Blessing Obinwa

Hmm! This life is indeed isn't as easy as we all assume it to be. I was reflecting on my life and I decided to write this; I remember when I was in primary (basic) level, I always got nominated to represent my house (a school team for intramurals) in running. I honestly didn't and still don't know how to run but my teachers used to think of me as a person who was good in sports since I have the body. So one day we were practicing and my teacher chose me and some other people to race (this was done to know who could represent the house). When we were preparing for the race, our turn was up, I was scared. Of course, I was scared because I knew I couldn't run but as at that time, how on earth was I going to convince my teachers that I couldn't run, all I could do was to behave myself.

When I heard 'go', I started running and it seemed to me that I was going to win, till a storm hit me and that was my great fall which pushed me and I fell to the ground. Oh, I felt embarrassed to stand up and continue. I just had to stand up and move towards the other side. I hated myself but then, there was something my teacher said that didn't strike me then but it struck me later in future. He said "when you fell, you should have just stood up and continued running. You don't have to be the first, you just have to finish." Honestly speaking, if we were on the same track, these words would have struck you too.

Christians, I hope you haven't made this mistake? Just because we think we've failed doesn't qualify us to just give up as Christians. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says, "Do you know that in a RACE, all runners run but only one gets the PRIZE? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever".

If you really want to get an everlasting crown, do you think you have to give up? The answer is NO. If truly I had the mind to finish that race, I wouldn't have given up when I fell but instead, the shame of me falling down which wasn't important discouraged me and made me quit the race. Just like it was said in 2 Samuel 18:23, "Come what may, I want to run. So Joab said, 'Run'! Then Ahimaaz ran by way of the plain and outran the Cushite". Dear Brethren, Run! You must outrun that Cushite. Does It look difficult? Does It seem impossible? Are you scared you might not win? Just run! Get that crown! The enemy mustn't win. Never!

As I was writing, I decided to think through. Honestly there are four categories of runners (that's if you agree with me too).

We have:

• Those who started well but ended badly

• Those who didn't start well but ended well

• Those who started well and ended well

• Those who didn't start well and still might not end well.

Based on my story and after analyzing these categories of runners mentioned above, it is clear that I fell among those who started well but ended badly. At least I know mine, what category are you? What are you thinking of right now? Do you think that's how we should end as Christians? Never! As Christians, if we aren't the third set of people, we should be the second set but then what is important is how we end. We can't afford to end badly honestly.

In 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul said he had fought the good fight, he has finished the race, he has kept the faith. He was satisfied with it. Are you satisfied with the race you're running in your life as a Christian? Paul was a perfect example of those in the second Category. He never started well, he was a persecutor, in fact I would say a 'terrorist'. He kept killing Christians till God captured him and today, his name is still far well known than the 12 disciples of Jesus. His end justified him. What paths are you going towards your end? Are you sure your end is going to justify you?

Some of you might be wondering about how to run the race, you might be confused about what I'm saying. Okay, let me give you some tips on how to run the race.

1. Letting go of your sins:

Hebrews 12:1 ( therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.). Sin is an obstacle. Let's imagine you're on your track and it's time for you to run but suddenly someone from nowhere comes to your track while you're running. Of course, you would want to discharge or remove the person from your way which might either stop you from running or delay you in winning the race. That's exactly what sin does, it tries to stop you from running the race. Get ready to drop it off so that you can get the CROWN. Remember that's the goal.

2. Obedience:

Obedience to the word of God is indeed very important. Galatians 5:7( You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?"). Okay, let's imagine again! You were given a particular instruction during your exam but you went ahead to do what was against your teacher's instruction. You might have gotten all the answers correctly but because you didn't follow instructions, you've failed already. Obeying God's instruction is very important. Don't just do what you like and expect something good to come up.

3. Continuous hoping in the Lord:

Isaiah 40:31 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Remember God is the Recorder, Announcer and Awarder of gifts to the winner. Don't ever stop hoping in Him. He created you and gave you what to do here on Earth.

4. Perseverance:

Lastly, perseverance is the key. Oh, you think it's easy! I wish I could tell you it's easy but it's not. Have you tried on working out before? If you're someone who works out, you would understand what it means to persevere. At first when you work out, you won't see the results till probably when you're at the point of giving up. That's how it is here. Perseverance is what I know many Christians lack. You think Christianity is that easy and when you realize it's not, you just give up. While running, you would want to give up but James 1:12 says, "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him". Don't give up! If you've failed a particular exam before, you're supposed to understand this too. We all know we're most times down when we fail yet we still keep trying because we know the joy of passing at last.

Now that I've shared these tips with you, I hope we can try as much as possible to pursue them. Remember, the one who stands firm to the end will be saved( Matthew 24:13). Our race as Christians isn't an ordinary race. It doesn't mean physical race, it could mean soul winning, trial endurance, etc for the kingdom of God. Our goal isn't just to get to heaven alone, it is to bring people with us and to get the crown. It's just like all these networking businesses where you're asked to refer some people to be paid a certain amount of money. As we try to run this race, let's not forget to ask for the grace of God.

God bless us all!

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